Festival at Sandpoint Reveals 2024 Summer Series Lineup Poster
The Festival at Sandpoint is excited to reveal its 2024 Summer Series Lineup Poster designed by Poster Contest Scholarship Winner Magdalena Idzikowska.
The Festival at Sandpoint’s 2024 Series Lineup Poster Artist Magdalena Idzikowska is a college student pursuing a degree in Graphic and Web Design from North Idaho College.
As the creator of the winning Series Lineup Poster for the Festival’s 2024 Poster Contest, Idzikowska will receive a $1,000 scholarship to apply toward continuing her college education.

Festival at Sandpoint Announces 2024 Scholarship Winners
The Festival at Sandpoint is excited to award $9,250 in scholarships to six local high school and college students for accomplishments in music and the arts.
2024 scholarship winners include: Evan Schwenk, Keane Haesle, Titus Tucker, Gavin Nicholson, Emmett Adams, and Magdalena Idzikowska.

Festival at Sandpoint Offers Spring Masterclasses
In conjunction with its Instrument Library program, the Festival purchased 14 new Eastman student model trombones to outfit all seven LPOSD elementary schools.
Alongside the trombones, this spring, the Festival will also provide students with section-based, small-group instruction focusing on percussion and woodwind instruments, as part of the organization’s ongoing Masterclasses program.
These programs will provide more than 75 hours of support to over 350 students across LPOSD Band programs.

Festival at Sandpoint Offers Third Year of Free Pre-K Outreach Program
The Festival at Sandpoint entered the third year of its Pre-K Outreach program, a free series of in-class lessons designed to engage students through rhythm, movement, and song.
During each session, students focus on a specific rhythmic element while integrating new instruments. This rhythm-based approach helps students establish strong foundations at a pivotal age of 3-6 years, which is one of the largest gaps in music education nationwide.
The curriculum is tailored each year to work with existing music requirements in the local schools and introduce students to a myriad of instruments and new genres of music.

Festival at Sandpoint Supplies LPOSD with New Instruments
The Festival at Sandpoint is partnering with the Lake Pend Oreille School District to provide instrumental support for beginning band students.
In conjunction with our Instrument Library program, the Festival purchased 14 new Eastman student model trombones to outfit all seven LPOSD elementary schools.
Now, over 300 students throughout LPOSD will have access to low brass instruments as part of the 6th Grade Band Program.

Festival at Sandpoint Youth Orchestra Accepting New Members
The Festival at Sandpoint’s Youth Orchestra is currently accepting new members, with the first rehearsal being held on Monday, September 18, 2o23.
Classes are free for all ages and held weekly on Monday evenings.
Currently, the program is composed of two groups, a Beginning Orchestra and a Continuing Orchestra, both led by the Festival at Sandpoint’s Youth Orchestra Conductor, Karen Dignan. Both groups are open to any orchestral string players, including the violin, viola, cello, bass, and more.

Festival at Sandpoint Instrument Library Now Open
The Festival at Sandpoint’s Instrument Library is now open for the school year.
In alignment with its non-profit mission to provide affordable and accessible music to the community, the Festival at Sandpoint offers a no-cost instrument library in an attempt to help keep music an affordable option for local families.
The Festival’s instrument library is available for anyone looking to play an instrument during the school year or summer. The school year check-out period begins in September and ends in June, while the summer check-out period begins in June and ends in August.

Festival at Sandpoint Announces 2023 Scholarship Winners
The Festival at Sandpoint has granted over $6,000 in five local high school and college students scholarships for accomplishments in music, writing, and art.
Violinist Hannah Adams was selected as the winner of the $2,500 2023 Festival at Sandpoint Instrumental Scholarship.
Festival at Sandpoint Instrumental Scholarship 2023 runner-up Evan Schwenk also received an award of $1,500.
Arie VanDenBerg was the recipient of the $1,000 2023 Charley Packard Memorial Songwriting Scholarship with his original song “We Ain’t Done” performed on guitar.

Festival at Sandpoint Completes First Year of New Pre-K Outreach Program
Since its launch in spring 2022, over 70 students at Selkirk School and Little Lambs Preschool have participated in the Festival’s Pre-K Outreach Program. Students learn to play six different non-pitched percussion instruments, count and read rhythms, and play parts within a group.
This free series of classes is designed to engage students through rhythm, movement, and song, culminating with a live performance.
The curriculum is tailored each year to work with existing music requirements in the local schools and introduce students to a myriad of instruments and new genres of music.

Festival at Sandpoint Offers New Music Industry Scholarship
The Festival at Sandpoint is offering a new scholarship this year for students who are interested in pursuing a career in the music industry outside of live performance.
This scholarship is open to all Bonner County high school students pursuing a future career in the music industry, which includes, but is not limited to, music business, artist management, concert or venue promotion, e-commerce, music customer service, sound & light design and operation, and production management.
Scholarships will be awarded based on the applicant’s overall interest in pursuing a music business career as well as the student's financial need, academic records, and industry experience.