Festival at Sandpoint Offers Spring Masterclasses

This past fall, the Festival at Sandpoint began partnering with Lake Pend Oreille School District to provide instrumental support for beginning band students.

In conjunction with its Instrument Library program, the Festival purchased 14 new Eastman student model trombones to outfit all seven LPOSD elementary schools.

Alongside the trombones, this spring, the Festival will also provide students with section-based, small-group instruction focusing on percussion and woodwind instruments, as part of the organization’s ongoing Masterclasses program.

The Festival at Sandpoint’s education department works closely with local music and band instructors to tailor the masterclasses to the needs of the students. Education Manager Paul Gunter coordinates with local active and retired instructors to provide small group and one-on-one support. 

These programs will provide more than 75 hours of support to over 350 students across LPOSD Band programs.

To learn more about the Festival at Sandpoint’s elementary outreach and other year-round, no-cost education programs, visit our education page.


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