Sarah Pillsbury

Sarah grew up in Sandpoint, with many fond summer memories of dancing at the Festival at Sandpoint and enjoying this beautiful, quaint town. This deep connection to the community inspired a lifelong passion for service.

After graduating from the University of Oregon with a degree in Human Physiology, Sarah then worked in Quito, Ecuador, for a nonprofit providing prosthetics to amputees. This experience highlighted the transformative power of community support.

A move to San Diego followed, where Sarah has found a fulfilling career working at, a GoFundMe company helping and empowering nonprofit fundraising.

Ready to return to her roots in the summer of 2023, Sarah moved back to Sandpoint to raise her family. Now, Sarah lives here with her husband, Ryan, and identical twin girls, Rylan and Kinsley. Sarah is excited to bring her diverse experiences and dedication to community service to the Board of Directors.